Booking Cancellation

Once your booking has been made, if you cancel it, you may incur a cancellation fee from the experience provider.

In most cases you'll receive a full refund minus transaction fees if you cancel at least 24 hours in advance for most experiences.

Our experience providers have their own cancellation policies which you are bound to follow. In the case of short notice cancellations by you, you may lose your voucher completely if the experience provider is unable to fill your space on the day. If an experience provider needs to cancel an experience for any reason, you will be offered to reschedule to a convenient alternative date.

Occasionally our experience providers may make a change to an experience after your booking, including but not limited to the date, price, inclusions, coverage, age requirements, and/or any other experience features and/or requirements. As a result, WOWnGO reserves the right to cancel, change or substitute any Experience that you have booked, at any time, for any reason.

If you are dissatisfied with the alternative that is offered, you will be entitled to a full refund of the original purchase price to your WOWnGO account balance.

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Not sure what experience best fits your friend? Think about different options and add it all to the WOWnGO voucher to make your gift personal.
Increase your chances by selecting up to 6 Experiences for your friend to choose from.
Your friend will make the final call on which experience to go for; along with the date, time, and number of participants.