With 39 years of rafting experience in Wells Gray Park, Interior Whitewater offers you our always popular “Catch a Wave” trip - Finally a trip that children as young as 7 can enjoy. “Catch a Wave” is much more than just another family outing though. In many ways it can be a life changing experience not just for kids, but for mom, dad, and all family members. We’ve seen shy, reserved children come out of their shell with newly-gained confidence. Reserved individuals blossom into confident, engaging children.
Gone are electronic gadgets, chores, and schedules. Our “Catch a Wave” trip makes everyone feel like they are part of a team, all working together to achieve a common goal. We’ve been told time and time again from parents that this trip was one of the most rewarding experiences their kids have ever had. “Catch A Wave” is so much more than just a raft trip. Our safety conscious and informative guides will do their utmost to teach a little bit about the natural history and geology of the area as well as find time to go for a hike to a breathtaking waterfall or explore some old growth forest.